International Organisations and Groups

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International Organisations and Groups

Red Cross Estd in 1863 (Geneva, Switzerland) 190 International Humanitarian Movement for relief of suffering in time of war/disaster.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) Estd in 1894 (Switzerland) 98 To promote the Olympic ideals and administer Olympic games.
International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) Estd in 1923 (Lyon, France) 190 To promote international cooperation among criminal police authorities.
The Commonwealth (London) formally estd by London Declaration 28th April, 1949 53 It was originally known as ‘The British Commonwealth of Nations’. It is an association of sovereign and independent states which formally made up the British empire.
Arab League (AL) Estd in 1945 [Cairo (Egypt)] Syria suspended following the 2011 uprising 22 To promote economic, social, political and military cooperation.
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Estd in 1947 (Switzerland) 162 To promote the development of international standards.
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Estd in 1949 (Brussels) 28 Mutual defence and cooperation
Colombo Plan Estd in 1950 (Sri Lanka) 27 To promote economic development in South and South-East Asia.
South-East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO) Estd in 1954 (Bangkok) 8 To provide for collective and economic cooperation in South-East Asia.
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Estd in 1959 [Vienna (Austria)] 13 Attempts to set world prices by controlling oil production and also pursues member interest in trade and development.
World Wildlife Fund For Nature (WWF) Estd in 1961 (Switzerland) To save the wildlife from extinction.
Amnesty International (AI) Estd in 1961 (London) To keep a watch over human rights violation worldwide. Got Nobel Prize in 1977 for Peace.
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Estd. in 1961 120 Political cooperation and establishment of separate identity from both USA and USSR (in the Cold-War era).
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Estd in 1961 (Paris, France) 34 To stimulate economic progress and world trade.
Group of Seventy Seven (G-77) Estd in 1964 134 To promote economic cooperation among developing nations.
European Union was Formally estd by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 [Brussels (Belgium)] 28 To create a United Europe in which member countries would have such strong economic and political bonds that war would cease to be a recurring fact.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Estd in 1966 (Manila) 67 To promote socio-economic development in Asia.
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Estd in 1967 (Jakarta) 10 Regional economic Social and cultural cooperation among the non-communist countries of South-East Asia.
Group of 8 (G-8) on 24 March. 2014, Russia was suspended, due to its association with Crimean crises, 2014 summit took place in Brussels. 8 To promote Cooperation among major non-communist economic power.
The organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Estd in 1969 (Saudi Arabia) 57 To promote Islamic solidarity among member states and to consolidate cooperation among members.
World Economic Forum (WEF) Estd in 1971 (Geneva) Annual meeting 2015- Davos, Switzerland To improve the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Estd in 1981 6 It is a political and economic union of the Arab states.
Nordic Council Estd in 1952 8 Geo-political, inter-parliamentary forum for cooperation among Nordic countries.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Estd in 1985 (Kathmandu) 8 To promote economic, social and cultural cooperation in South Asia.
Group of 15 (G-15) Estd in 1989 17 To promote economic cooperation among developing nations.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Estd in 1989 (Singapore) 21 To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin.
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Estd in 1991 [Minsk (Belarus)] 9 To coordinate inter-common wealth relations and to provide a mechanism for the orderly dissolution of the USSR.
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Estd in 1996 (Beijing, China) 6 To develop mutual cooperation.
Group of Twenty (G-20) Estd in 1999 2014 summit-Brisbane 20 For cooperation and consultation or matters pertaining to the International Financial System.
African Union OAU charter–1963 AU founded–2002 54 To accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent.
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) First formal summit-Yekaterinburg, 2009 5 To improve the economical condition of the country.
Arctic Council Estd. in 1996 8 Try to keep the Arctic area clean and safe.
BASIC Estd in 2009 4 To coordinate the policies of developing countries regarding climate change.
European Union 28 To create a United Europe in which member countries would have some strong economic and political bonds war would lease to be a recurring fact.
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