International Organisations and Groups
Red Cross Estd in 1863 (Geneva, Switzerland) | 190 | International Humanitarian Movement for relief of suffering in time of war/disaster. | |
International Olympic Committee (IOC) Estd in 1894 (Switzerland) | 98 | To promote the Olympic ideals and administer Olympic games. | |
International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) Estd in 1923 (Lyon, France) | 190 | To promote international cooperation among criminal police authorities. | |
The Commonwealth (London) formally estd by London Declaration 28th April, 1949 | 53 | It was originally known as ‘The British Commonwealth of Nations’. It is an association of sovereign and independent states which formally made up the British empire. | |
Arab League (AL) Estd in 1945 [Cairo (Egypt)] Syria suspended following the 2011 uprising | 22 | To promote economic, social, political and military cooperation. | |
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Estd in 1947 (Switzerland) | 162 | To promote the development of international standards. | |
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Estd in 1949 (Brussels) | 28 | Mutual defence and cooperation | |
Colombo Plan Estd in 1950 (Sri Lanka) | 27 | To promote economic development in South and South-East Asia. | |
South-East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO) Estd in 1954 (Bangkok) | 8 | To provide for collective and economic cooperation in South-East Asia. | |
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Estd in 1959 [Vienna (Austria)] | 13 | Attempts to set world prices by controlling oil production and also pursues member interest in trade and development. | |
World Wildlife Fund For Nature (WWF) Estd in 1961 (Switzerland) | – | To save the wildlife from extinction. | |
Amnesty International (AI) Estd in 1961 (London) | – | To keep a watch over human rights violation worldwide. Got Nobel Prize in 1977 for Peace. | |
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Estd. in 1961 | 120 | Political cooperation and establishment of separate identity from both USA and USSR (in the Cold-War era). | |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Estd in 1961 (Paris, France) | 34 | To stimulate economic progress and world trade. | |
Group of Seventy Seven (G-77) Estd in 1964 | 134 | To promote economic cooperation among developing nations. | |
European Union was Formally estd by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 [Brussels (Belgium)] | 28 | To create a United Europe in which member countries would have such strong economic and political bonds that war would cease to be a recurring fact. | |
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Estd in 1966 (Manila) | 67 | To promote socio-economic development in Asia. | |
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Estd in 1967 (Jakarta) | 10 | Regional economic Social and cultural cooperation among the non-communist countries of South-East Asia. | |
Group of 8 (G-8) on 24 March. 2014, Russia was suspended, due to its association with Crimean crises, 2014 summit took place in Brussels. | 8 | To promote Cooperation among major non-communist economic power. | |
The organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Estd in 1969 (Saudi Arabia) | 57 | To promote Islamic solidarity among member states and to consolidate cooperation among members. | |
World Economic Forum (WEF) Estd in 1971 (Geneva) Annual meeting 2015- Davos, Switzerland | – | To improve the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. | |
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Estd in 1981 | 6 | It is a political and economic union of the Arab states. | |
Nordic Council Estd in 1952 | 8 | Geo-political, inter-parliamentary forum for cooperation among Nordic countries. | |
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Estd in 1985 (Kathmandu) | 8 | To promote economic, social and cultural cooperation in South Asia. | |
Group of 15 (G-15) Estd in 1989 | 17 | To promote economic cooperation among developing nations. | |
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Estd in 1989 (Singapore) | 21 | To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin. | |
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Estd in 1991 [Minsk (Belarus)] | 9 | To coordinate inter-common wealth relations and to provide a mechanism for the orderly dissolution of the USSR. | |
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Estd in 1996 (Beijing, China) | 6 | To develop mutual cooperation. | |
Group of Twenty (G-20) Estd in 1999 2014 summit-Brisbane | 20 | For cooperation and consultation or matters pertaining to the International Financial System. | |
African Union OAU charter–1963 AU founded–2002 | 54 | To accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent. | |
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) First formal summit-Yekaterinburg, 2009 | 5 | To improve the economical condition of the country. | |
Arctic Council Estd. in 1996 | 8 | Try to keep the Arctic area clean and safe. | |
BASIC Estd in 2009 | 4 | To coordinate the policies of developing countries regarding climate change. | |
European Union | 28 | To create a United Europe in which member countries would have some strong economic and political bonds war would lease to be a recurring fact. | |