Regional dynasties of Indian History – free opsc Exam notes
➮ The Parmaras ruled in the Malwa region.
➮ The Parmaras initially had their capital at Ujjain.
➮ The Parmaras later transferred their capital to Dhara.
➮ Vakpati Munj was the founder of the Parmara dynasty.
➮ Padmagupta, Dhananjay, graced the court of Vakpati.
➮ The greatest ruler of the dynasty was Bhoja.
➮ Bhoja built the city of Bhojapur.
➮ Bhoja founded a college, Bhojshala near Dhara.
➮ The Gahadaval dynasty was founded by Chandradeva.
➮ The capital of Gahadaval was Kannauj.
➮ In the Battle of Chandawar (1194 A.D.) Muhammad Ghori defeated Jaichandra.
➮ Harischandra was the last ruler of the Gahadaval dynasty.
➮ The Chahamana (Chauhan) dynasty emerged near Sakambhari (Ajmer).
➮ The Chauhans were the feudatories of Pratihara.
➮ Simharaja declared independence in the middle of the 10th century.
➮ Ajayraja founded the city of Ajaymeru (Ajmer).
➮ Prithviraj Chauhan ascended to the throne in 1177 A.D.
➮ Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first battle of Tarain (1191 A.D.).
➮ In the second battle of Tarain (1192 A.D.) Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan.
➮ Three dynasties Karkota, Utpala, and Lohar ruled Kashmir from 800 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
➮ Karkota dynasty was founded by Durlabh Vardhana.
➮ Lalitaditya Muktapida defeated Yasovarman of Kannauj.
➮ Lalitaditya built the famous Sun temple at Martand.
➮ Utpala dynasty was founded by Avantivarman.
➮ Queen Didda ruled from 980 A.D. to 1003 A.D. ➮ Sangramraja founded the Lohara dynasty.
➮ King Harsha belonged to Lohara dynasty.
➮ Kalhana wrote ‘Rajatarangini’ in 12th century.
➮ The Chandelas ruled in Bundelkhand.
➮ The dynasty was founded by Nanuka in the early years of 9th century and his capital was Khajuraho.
➮ Dhanga was the first independent king of the Chandella dynasty and assumed the title Maharajadhiraja.
➮ He was succeeded by Ganda who in turn was succeeded by Vidyadhara.
➮ During Vidyadhara’s reign, Mahmud of Ghazni invaded Kalinjar in 1019 and again in 1022.
➮ In 1165 Parmardideva was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.
➮ Qutub-ud-din Aibak defeated Parmadideva and occupied the greater part of Bundelkhand.
➮ Alauddin Khalji captured the whole of the kingdom.
➮ Temples of Khajuraho were built by Chandelles.
➮ The most prominent among the Khajuraho temples are the Kandariya Mahadeva, Devi Jagadamba, Parsvanatha, Lakshamana and the Viswanatha temples.
➮ The Senas supplanted the Palas in Bengal.
➮ The Senas called themselves ‘Brahma Kshatriya’.
➮ Vijayapuri and Vikrampuri were two capitals of Senas.
➮ Vijayasena was succeeded by his son Ballalsena.
➮ Ballalsena established the tradition of ‘Kulinism’.
➮ Ballalsena wrote ‘Adbhutsagar’ and ‘Dansagar’.
➮ Bakhtiyar Khalji invaded Bengal during the reign of Lakshmansena.
➮ Jayadeva, Dhoyi, and Halayudha adorned Lakshmansena’s court.