âž® The Bhakti Movement began in South India in the 7th Century.
âž® The Alvars (Vaishnavites) and Naynars (Shaivites) popularised the Bhakti cult in South India.
âž® There were 12 Alvar Vaishnavite and 63 Naynar Saivite Saints.
âž® The writings of these saints were collected in the Tirumurai.
âž® The Tirumurai has been called as the Tamil Veda.
âž® Periya Puranam was composed by Shekkilar in the reign of the Chola king Kulottunga I.
âž® Ramananda was the first great Bhakti saint of North India.
âž® Raidas, Kabir, Dhanna, Pipa were his disciples.
➮ Kabir (1440-1518) belonged to a family of weavers. Kabir spent greater part of his life in Banaras. Kabir’s verses were included in Adi Granth.
âž® Raidas was a tanner.
âž® Dhanna was a Jat peasant from Rajasthan.
âž® Guru Nanak (1469-1539) was born at Nankana Sahib.
âž® Kabir and Nanak were Nirguna Bhakti saints.
âž® Vallabhacharya was a Telugu Brahmana. He was the founder of Pushti marga (way of grace)
âž® Chaitanya (1486-1533) was the most prominent Vaishnav saint of Bengal. He popularized Krishna Bhakti. He was looked upon as living Krishna.
âž® Jnaneswar (1275-1296) was the pioneer Bhakti Saint of Maharashtra. Jnaneswar wrote Jnaneswari. Jnaneswari is a commentary on Bhagavad Gita. Jnaneswar was the author of many hymns called Abhangas.
➮ Namdeva (1270-1350) was a tailor by caste. Namdeva travelled to North India and Punjab. Namdev’s Bhakti Songs have been included in the Adi Granth. Namdeva is considered to be a part of the Varkari tradition.
âž® In Assam, Sankaradeva (1449- 1568) introduced bhakti.
➮ Sankaradeva’s sect is called Mahapurushiya dharma.
➮ Dadu (1544-1603) was inspired by Kabir’s doctrine.
➮ Tukaram’s teachings are in the form of Abhangas or dohas. Tukaram founded the Varkari Sect.
âž® Ramdasa wrote Dasabodha. Ramdasa was the Guru of Shivaji.
âž® The Lingayat Sect was founded by Basava.
➮ The biography of Chaitanya is ‘Chaitanya charitamrita’.
âž® The biography of Chaitanya was written by Krishnadas Kaviraj.
âž® The disciples of Kabir later formed the Kabirpanthi sect.
âž® Jagjivan Das founded the Satnami sect.
âž® Tulsidas wrote Ramcharitmanas, Vinaypatrika, Kavitavali.
âž® Surdas wrote Sur Surawali, Sahitya Ratna, Sursagar.
âž® Mirabai was a Rajput Princes of Merta. Mirabai married to Bhojraja, son of Rana Sanga. Mirabai was famous for her devotion to Krishna. Mirabai advocated image-worship and observance of special fasts. Mirabai wrote Several poems like Padavali;
âž® Ramanuja advocated the philsophy of Vishistadvaitavada.
âž® Madhvacharya founded the Dvaita philosophy.
âž® Nimbarka propounded the Dvaitadvaita philosophy.
âž® Nimbarka founded the Sanak Sampradaya.